TLIB documentation

TLIB File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
tlBackground.h [code]Background definition and learning
tlBlobs.h [code]Blobs extraction, labeling, and filtering
tlCamera.h [code]Camera base class for TLIB
tlCameraStereo.h [code]Stereo camera base class for TLIB
tlCameraSVS.h [code]SVS wrapper header for TLIB
tlCameraSVSBase.h [code]Base class for SVS-based stereo cameras
tlCameraSVSHead.h [code]VidereDesign MEGA-DCS wrapper
tlCameraTSAI.h [code]TSAI camera calibration
tlChain.h [code]Dynamic point list management
tlChannel.h [code]Internal channel manipulation routines
tlColor.h [code]Color object description
tlColorModel.h [code]Color model object definition
tlConst.h [code]Adaptive constants based on Kalman filtering
tlConvolution.h [code]Internal convolution operators
tlDigitizer.h [code]Digitizer base class
tlDigitizerDT3130.h [code]DatX DT3130 digitizer interface
tlDigitizerDX.h [code]DirectX digitizer interface
tlDigitizerPXC200.h [code]ImageNation PXC200 digitizer interface
tlDigitizerV4L.h [code]Video4Linux digitizer interface
tlDigitizerV4L2.h [code]Video4Linux2 digitizer interface
tlDigitizerVRm.h [code]VRMagic digitizer interface, optimized for the VRmAVC-1 model
tlDisplay.h [code]Image display and event management
tlEdges.h [code]Internal edges operators
tlError.h [code]Thread-safe error management
tlExtract.h [code]Internal segmentation operators
tlFile.h [code]Internal file I/O routines
tlFilter.h [code]Internal filter routines
tlFind.h [code]Internal template matching operators
tlFormatConversion.h [code]Internal format conversion operators
tlHist.h [code]Histogram management
tlHist2D.h [code]2D histogram management
tlHough.h [code]Hough transform for geometric feature extraction
tlImage.h [code]Image object description
tlLine.h [code]Line representation and operators
tlLocation.h [code]Geometric location object
tlMask.h [code]Binary mask for image processing routines
tlMemory.h [code]Internal memory allocation routines
tlMorph.h [code]Internal morphological routines
tlNormalize.h [code]Internal normalization routines
tlObject.h [code]Tracking object description
tlPixel.h [code]Internal pixel manipulation operators
tlPixelArray.h [code]Pixel array object description
tlPoint.h [code]Image point object description
tlRect.h [code]Rectangle object description
tlScale.h [code]Internal scaling routines
tlSize.h [code]Geometric size object description
tlSource.h [code]Image acquisition base class
tlSourceFiles.h [code]Filesystem "digitizer" class
tlSourceVideoFile.h [code]Video file image acquisition
tlSpiral.h [code]Spiral coordinates for pixel browsing
tlThread.h [code]Thread management wrappers for TLIB
tlTimer.h [code]High resolution timers for TLIB
tlTransforms.h [code]Internal image transform operators
tlVision.h [code]Main TLIB header file

TLIB documentation - generated on 7 May 2008
Please address any questions to
(C) 2001-2008 - S. Grange
(C) 2001-2007 - VRAI Group, EPFL
All Rights Reserved.